A lot of graduate students will start their studies without knowing a great deal of programming languages. This means that when they start, they need to learn it. So most places put on computing lectures for these students as soon as they start and, most of the time, they put it on the internet.
The following resource is, as it says, from the DESY Summer School. The notes you can get are a pdf of the slides/handouts that were used in the lectures. As always, lecture notes are quick to the point and they won't go unnecessarily out of the way. For example, the language FORTRAN is described as VW Beetle, whereas C++ is described as a Formula 1. Nice and snappy, but I think a more amusing comparison would be a plain to one of those ribbed things... Regardless, here it is:
https://www.desy.de/~blist/summerstudents/c++-intro-10-offhandout.pdf |
http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ |
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